Originally published at theburnin.com on Jan 31, 2020. Archived here as part of portfolio.
*Updated March 24, 2020*
Summer Olympics postponed until 2021
*Updated March 11, 2020*
WHO officially declares COVID-19 coronavirus a pandemic
E3 gaming conference has been canceled
*Updated Feb 26, 2020*
Spain reports new cases; numbers begin to rise
Italy sees a surge of new cases
Samsung, Apple, others feel impact of coronavirus
*Updated Feb 19, 2020*
DARPA now involved in search for coronavirus cure
*Updated Feb 12, 2020*
The Guardian reports MWC Spain is officially canceled
*Updated Feb 12, 2020*
MWC Spain is in question this year as companies pull out over coronavirus concerns; organizers are meeting this Friday to discuss whether or not to go ahead with the annual event in Barcelona, Spain
Companies who have pulled out of this year’s MWC Spain conference: Amazon, Cisco, Ericsson, Facebook Inc, Intel, LG Electronics, NVidia, NTT Docomo, and Sony
Electronica China has been postponed; for official announcement and details, see here
*Updated Feb 5, 2020*
Confirmed cases worldwide: 28,280
Confirmed cases in U.S.: 12
Death toll in China now exceeds that of the SARS outbreak in 2002
However, there is a steady rise in recoveries (1,198), which has scientists hopeful
Experts continue to encourage individuals to wear N95 approved respirator masks; click here for more information
For more updates, click here
As the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues its deadly assault across the globe, many are looking for more safety information and steps of precaution to take while traveling.
As a site heavily invested in the tech industry, we at The Burn-In care for your safety as well.
With that in mind, we would like to provide specific updates on the coronavirus and what you can do to stay safe.
Coronavirus Updates
The first thing to note is where the disease has spread. Look here at this site on a daily basis to track who has been infected with the coronavirus and what countries have confirmed cases.
Under no circumstances should any travel be done to or in these regions. It is now known that the virus has an incubation period of up to 14 days, during which time the virus can still be transmitted to others. In essence, this means that a person carrying the virus may show no visible signs up to two weeks, all the while being in fact contagious to others.
With this in mind…
How can People Guard Themselves Against the Coronavirus (2019-nCov)?
The first step in guarding against the coronavirus is like guarding oneself against the common flu or cold. What does this mean?
Wash hands in warm water with antibacterial soap…frequently. Do not touch the eyes, nose, or mouth unless you have first washed. These two things are an essential first step in guarding against the virus.
In addition…
If you wear contact lenses, this is a good time to wear glasses. It has been shown in some cases that the virus was transmitted through the air and directly via the eyes. Particles can travel through the air when a person sneezes and coughs. These particles can land on surfaces, and then be transmitted via the fingers to the eyes, nose, and mouth. During this time, the less contact with the eyes the better.
For this reason, having some sort of face shield (like glasses) will certainly help in guarding oneself against transmission. In addition, make sure to clean the glass lenses regularly with an antibacterial wipe. Do not reuse the wipe on the glasses, instead throw it away and use a new one with each lens cleaning.
In addition to wearing glasses or a face shield, wearing a face mask which filters air particulates is a necessity. Make sure the mask is Niosh-approved N95, meaning that it filters out 95 percent of air particles.
This type of mask has indeed become quite scarce since the coronavirus erupted in recent weeks, but many B2B sites still carry N95 approved masks, making it easy for companies to purchase and help keep their employees safe.
Related: Where to purchase N95 approved masks
The Coronavirus and Southeast Asia
It is true that the novel coronavirus has as its epicenter the area of Wuhan, China. As a center of travel and business during the recent Lunar New Year, this area had many people passing through it. For this reason, there are many who have traveled to the area and then gone on to other parts of the world.
When traveling, please check the updated region map for known cases of the coronavirus. Even if you do not find yourself traveling to China or other areas of Southeast Asia, the coronavirus has manifested itself in areas of Australia, the U.S., Japan, and…sadly, the list goes on.
As a precaution, businesses in the tech sector should avoid traveling to high-risk areas. With its long gestation period, rate of transmission, and lack of adequate research, this new coronavirus is especially deadly.
If, for whatever reason, people must travel to areas affected, use the precautionary measures listed above, and ensure that your company provides you with an N95 approved respirator mask.
For more updated information, follow the World Health Organization’s updates on the Coronavirus (2019-nCov).